Thursday, May 8, 2014

Passbrains: an example of Excellence

passbrains logo 

As I have mentioned in my other blog, one of the things life has taught me is that no matter how hard we try we always make mistakes. What matters is how you recover from them.

What you do about the mistakes you make, shows your character. In my opinion, companies and individuals who readily admit their mistakes, move on and work to prevent it from happening again, are cultivating a good reputation for themselves. As author Leslie Gaines-Ross says "the steps [to recovering from mistakes] cannot be ignored".

Moreover, I believe that even the small details can make a difference in a company's image. For example, whenever I see a typo on a label, I already think less of the company who made the product.

A few days ago I was blessed with a great example of a company working to protect their reputation, even in the smallest way:

"As you might have noticed, the latest passbrains newsletter published few hours back had some quality issues and it did not even display your name correctly in the welcome note. This happened due to a technical glitch in the tool we are using. Please accept our apologies for this occurrence."

I was amazed at Passbrains' perfectionism. Nowadays, most companies wouldn't even bother apologizing for a mistake in their newsletter. Maybe Passbrains did it because the company is naturally focused on quality (for those who don't know, Passbrains is a crowd-sourced software testing services provider).

For me, the attitude displayed by Passbrains demonstrates that they are "walking the talk". They are being consistent with their business purpose. They are showing me that they strive for excellence in everything they do.

As a customer, I wish other companies would follow Passbrains' example.